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Auntie Cynthia borrowed Aryn and "playing mom"!

Had a wonderful day yesterday! First went down to Santa Cruz for a meeting. Met up with a friend, Patti Hopp; whom I haven't seen or talked to since Aug last year. It was a beautiful day, Patti showed me around Santa Cruz a bit, watched some surfing and kite boarding. We then had a leisure lunch and catching up with each other of what's been going on for the last 1/2 year. Then I drove to San Carlo to pay Christine Chu a visit.

Christine had just gave birth to her twins about a month ago. They're just so cute! And Jonas, her oldest; was a charm. She let me played mom and fed her twin daughter, Aryn. "Yummy yummy" was all I could say! Darling and precious! Sweet babies! Her twin brother Caleb sure is a talker. He likes to make lots of noises. Asleep or not. You can really just stand there and stare at them for hours!

Have I mentioned it was just nice to have a chat with Christine and was nice to see her mother, auntie Julie; in the comfort of their home? Great meeting Grace as well. Jeff looked good other than a little tired from getting up for the babies. He lost some weight, but "I've been eating a lot!" he said. Men! They're definitely from another planet. Hate them for that! See for me, ate a lot...as usual...over dinner. (I'm protesting to Jeff, so I refused to get onto the scale this morning!) Wait I actually didn't eat that much over dinner. It was after dinner with all the extra that auntie Julie made! "Auntie Julie!!"

Just a really wonderful day! Now do I really want to be tied down by having another restaurant, or should I just work for somebody and be able to have some real days off and hang out with friends?

Anyway... cheers to all my dear "furenzu"!

Caleb sure is a talker!
Originally uploaded by restaurantfurenzu.

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