« Peter Linde | Main | 4-5-2006 »


Something I surprised my mother before was when I told her I didn't really have to have kids of my own but was very open about adopting kids. I feel that if I have that much love to give to a kid, it really doesn't matter if it's my own! It would be the most wonderful thing to be able to provide and raise a kid (or kids if I could afford it), who really needs the loves and cares.

A customer, Robin; came in for lunch today. Through our conversation, she mentioned she has two 11 years old. I thought, "Oh! They were twins?" She said not, one was adopted about 4 years ago. She was one of the hosting families for the summer camp for these orphans. By accident, she was hosting again and found out this kid actually has a sister, whom she hosted that summer and they didn't even know about each other! The two girls have the same last name and pretty much look identical! They ran a DNA test and sure they are related. In couple of months, she will be officially become parent of this sister also. Bless her heart! What a wonderful story to know to start my day!

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